Each IAND Portfolio is private to your client and/or their joint ventures and frameworks. Multiple Portfolios can be accessed with the same sign-in credentials to enable you to switch between Portfolios.
To maintain your client's data privacy and security, no data are shared between Portfolios on IAND. This means that you will need to create and maintain Company Profiles on each of the Portfolios that you are invited to. Your clients may set up multiple Portfolios within the same organisation if they want to manage spend separately or control access to data that has a higher security risk.
How to accept a new invitation when you already have an IAND account
- When you are invited to a second Portfolio, you will receive an email invitation with a link to sign up to the platform.
- Before you click the link to accept your invitation, you should first login to your existing IAND account in a new tab on your browser.
- Return to your invitation and click the link to accept. Follow the instructions and the accounts will link, and you can continue to login to IAND with one set of credentials.
Switching between portfolios
Navigating between Portfolios is easy:
Visit your Homepage. If you have access to two or more Portfolios, you will find a 'Switch portfolio' button just below 'My Account' on the left side of the Homepage.
Click on this button and make a selection from a list of your available Portfolios.
Once you have made your selection, you will arrive on the Homepage of your chosen Portfolio.