Learn how to invite colleagues to join the IAND platform for free.
Inviting a colleague to join your organisation's account will grant independent access so your colleague can login with their own credentials. As a supplier there is no limit to how many colleagues you can invite; we recommend at least two users for resilience.
To invite a colleague to join your organisation's account:
- On the left side of your Homepage, under 'My Account' click 'Manage users'.
Alternatively, hover over 'Company profile' in the top navigation bar and click 'Manage users' from the dropdown.
Click the 'Set up a new user' button.
Complete the form with your colleague's name and email address. This will send an email invite and you will be notified when your colleague has accepted their invite and is live on the IAND platform.
TIP! You can also remove a colleague from your organisation's account by navigating to 'Manage users', selecting them from the list and clicking 'Deactivate'.
Send Reminders and Cancel invitations
Starting from your Manage Users page, click the link to 'View pending' to see all pending invitations on your account. Click through to an individual invitation to view the invite history, send a Reminder, or Cancel the invitation:
- Issued an invitation and had no response? Click the 'Remind' button to remind the user that their invitation is waiting for them.
- Issued an invitation with a typo? Or to a user who no longer works for your organisation? Use the 'Cancel invitation' button, which will notify the user that their invitation link has expired, but does not stop you from inviting them again in the future.