Your Companies Index gives you visibility of your entire supplier ecosystem, including spend, performance and services offered and enables sourcing decisions based on risk, Social Value (location, innovation, company size, diversity) and Net Zero impact.
Found in the main navigation bar, Companies displays your entire supplier ecosystem, whether suppliers have been manually invited to join IAND, or have been included in a finance system/ERP export. Navigate to either the list view or the interactive map, making it easier for you to find and work with local suppliers. Learn more here.
Only you and your colleagues on IAND have visibility of your list of Companies, it is not public and not visible to your suppliers.
Finding & browsing suppliers
Use the filters to narrow your selection by ESG IMPACT performance, service & sector, expertise, account status and Companies House trading status.
- Platform status: a choice of three options, depending on whether the supplier is live, has been invited to join IAND or is inactive. Inactive is further categorised into offboarded (a supplier who has been live on the platform) and never set up.
- Company category: there are four default options, but these can be customised to your needs. Company categories make it easy to view your company's relationship with a supplier. You can assign a supplier to a Company category from their company profile page.
- Compliance Level: these are configurable to your organisation and enable you to filter suppliers according to the risk level/type of work they are approved to work at and the status of this approval.
- Carbon: Evidence on tracking Scope 1 and 2 emissions, relative carbon performance and progress against Net Zero goals.
- Innovation: Grant funding awarded and % Investment in R&D vs. UK sector averages.
- Diversity: The percentage of women in the upper quartile pay grade.
- Organisation > VCSE: A company qualifies as a Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise if they work towards a social purpose. These companies are also referred to as ‘third sector’ or ‘civil society’ organisations.
- Organisation > Start-up: Defined as a company that is designed to grow fast, which is either developing technology or using technology to operate its business.
- Company size: Based on size recorded on Companies House.
- Offices by region: Entered by your supplier when they populate their profile.
- Office type: Entered by your supplier or imported from Companies House. The location of the supplier's Head office, Registered address and Other office locations.
- Where they work: Entered by your supplier, locations of where they work.
Services & sectors
- Services: Includes a set of services that your supplier can select from. Your portfolio will either use the IAND default set of services or a custom set requested by your account admin.
- Sectors: As per 'Services'.
- SIC Code: The service code for a supplier as stated on Companies House.
- Co. House status: Trading information available via Companies House, highlighting statuses from 'Active' to 'Liquidation'.
Search for a supplier or a service
Use the search bar when you know the name of a supplier, or when you are looking for a service such as 'architecture'. Example searches:
- 'Supplier A Ltd' - when you know the name of your supplier
'Architecture' - when you are looking for a service or expertise
TIP! The search bar supports partial matches on supplier names, when one name is fully contained within another. For example, searching for 'Supplier A' will return 'Supplier A Ltd' in the results.
This means you can search for a supplier even if you are not sure of their exact name in IAND. We recommend searching without Ltd/Limited for this reason.
Understanding supplier status
IAND is a collaborative platform, and we give you the opportunity to invite each supplier to join IAND (for free) to collaborate with you on opportunities and projects.
Platform status
You can see the platform status of each supplier on the far right column of the Company Index list view. The possible statuses are:
- 'Live': Supplier has accepted invite, which unlocks new features such as messaging, Compliance management and collaborating on Opportunities and Project Feedback.
'Invited': Your organisation has invited the supplier to join IAND.
'Inactive': A supplier profile has been created from an import and is "Never set up" if they have not been invited, or "Offboarded" if the supplier has previously been live but the relationship is not actively being managed.
Level A - C users within your organisation can invite a supplier at any time (see guide).
Company category
Categories can be used to communicate your relationship and the suitability for future work within your organisation, and can be customised to fit your business needs (see guide). You can set one category per supplier from the supplier's profile page.
Compliance Level
Compliance Levels can be used to show the type of work suppliers are suitable for and where they have been approved to undertake this work. They can be customised to fit your business needs (see guide)
Getting to know your suppliers
You can use company profiles for light-touch account management, with visibility into ESG performance, details on services and sectors covered, live and historic projects, the compliance documents submitted, spend and performance.
When your supplier is live, you can:
Find the key point of contact (when added by supplier)
Read Description, Region, Products & Services (when added by supplier)
View 360° performance score on projects
Request and manage compliance information (see guide)
- View full set of ESG metrics (when added by supplier)
When a supplier is not yet live on IAND, you can still:
View Companies House status
Assign a category e.g. 'Authorised' or 'Do not use' (see guide)
View total spend and access individual projects
Add internal notes on the supplier, visible to your colleagues only
- View ESG metrics automatically imported via the IAND IMPACT API (diversity and innovation when supplier headcount >250)