A glossary of IAND terms that you may see as you're using the IAND platform.
Glossary A-Z
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Actions - tasks that you carry out on IAND as part of your work with a client or supplier. This can include submitting Compliance documents, reviewing compliance submissions or providing feedback on a Project. Your outstanding actions on a Portfolio can be found in your My actions index.
Active Project - when both the supplier for the Project and at least one client Project Team member is live on the IAND platform.
Approve - a formal action to review, approve and notify users on a decision.
Access Level - for client users, Opportunities and Projects can be set to either Open (details pages visible to all client users) or Private (details pages visible only to Team members on the Opportunity or Project).
Authority Level - platform user permissions defining access, actions and notifications.
Budget - a field that you can edit (private to clients), to set budgets at Programme and Project level.
Carbon (ESG) - the reduction in a supplier’s Scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions over time. The supplier provides their total Scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions as tCO₂e. The carbon ESG IMPACT star rating on a Company Profile takes into account both the supplier's current carbon ratings, and their progress towards Net Zero goals.
Client - an organisation that a supplier user is working with. Each client organisation has a Portfolio which suppliers are invited to.
Communications hub - a page where you can see all of your Direct messages and Opportunity messages on a Portfolio. You can search for a specific message thread using the search bar and a range of filtering options.
Companies Index - the Companies Index is a client user's directory of all suppliers, available in Map or List view. You can search for and access individual Company Profiles from here, filter the list by 'My suppliers' and also invite new suppliers.
Companies House information - populated when clients provide IAND with the Companies House registration number against a supplier or suppliers can add this information when they join IAND. This gives up-to-date information on the size and trading status of a company.
Company Profile - a page for each individual supplier company which showcases their services, including the regions and sectors they work in. Company Profiles contain all relevant information on ESG, Governance, Opportunities and Projects for a supplier.
Company Category - an option that lets client users assign additional information to a supplier. This can be configured by clients and may include statuses such as 'Strategic Partner' or 'Authorised'.
Compliance Documents - information submitted by a supplier that is then reviewed approved by a client user. This can include, for example, insurance policies, certifications or accreditations and policies. Each Compliance Document has an approval status indicating what stages of the review process have been completed.
Compliance Documents Index - a list for client users of all Compliance documents across an entire Portfolio. Compliance documents can be filtered in order to gain visibility on outstanding compliance actions such as issuing or reviewing Compliance document requests.
Compliance Levels - visible to client users, Compliance Levels can be to have improved visibility of approved suppliers and to vary approval levels according to the risk level of the work the supplier undertakes. Super users can configure Compliance Levels to automatically request a set of compliance docs and trigger a series of internal reviews.
Compliance Report - a Portfolio-wide compliance status report where client users can also gain insight into compliance at a supplier level, manage risk and explore controlled spend. Find the Compliance Report by clicking 'Compliance status' in the drop-down for the 'Companies' navigation bar option.
Decision - where the client decides whether a supplier has been selected (won) or not (lost) for an Opportunity.
Direct messages - direct conversations between a client and a supplier on a Company Profile page. You can choose who receives each message by adding or removing participants from the message thread. Messages can be managed in the Communications Hub.
Diversity (ESG) - the diversity ESG IMPACT star rating on a Company Profile takes into account the percentage of women in the upper quartile pay grade at that company.
ESG - this stands for environmental, social, and governance.
ESG IMPACT - the core ESG measures collected by IAND are linked to Organisation, Carbon, Innovation and Diversity.
Experience - case studies that suppliers can put on their Company Profile to showcase to clients their experience and work in relevant areas.
Folios - an enterprise feature for clients, Folios enable you to organise & manage your data within your Portfolio including your team, suppliers, Projects and Opportunities. Making it simpler for you & your teams when working with a large & complex supply chain.
Governance - a section on the Company Profile page that contains information on company and compliance statuses. This includes Companies House status and Compliance Documents for client and supplier users as well as Compliance Level and onboarding information for client users.
Headcount (ESG) - the number of employees in a supplier's company. This is broken down into four sizes: micro (1-9 employees), small (10-49), medium (50-249) and large (250+).
Homepage - here you can find key information including a preview of your outstanding actions, your Authority Level, useful links and contact details of the lead for the Portfolio you are on. Return to your Homepage by clicking the icon in the top left of the screen.
Inactive - the status of a supplier's Company Profile when that supplier has not yet been invited to join the platform.
Inactive Project - when the supplier for the Project is not live and there are also no client Project Team members. Collaborative features are not available on inactive Projects.
Innovation (ESG) - determined by the amount of grant funding received and investments made in research and development projects. Innovation is a core part of new UK procurement regulations, as determined in PPN 06/20 and in the Green Paper for Procurement.
Innovation (Project) - a client-viewed module on a Project Page that can be added in oder to capture the additional value that is predicted and delivered on an individual contract.
Insights - Level A and B client users can access the Insights pages which provide top level performance KPIs across a Portfolio, including spend, performance and impact metrics such as spend on SMEs and innovation. Responsive Snapshot and Performance reports enable deep dives into the top level KPIs. Downloadable reports enable access to Monthly Account Statements and a range of .csv downloads.
Invited - the status of a supplier's Company Profile when that supplier has been invited to join the platform, but has not yet signed up.
Library - a module on a Project Page to share and manage documents.
Live - the status of a supplier's Company Profile where the supplier is active and has joined IAND. Live is also used to indicate where an Opportunity is being actively managed.
Locations - a list of office addresses for a supplier, found on their Company Profile. When suppliers update their Company Profile with their Companies House number, the registered address for the company is automatically added to Locations. Suppliers can then add any other relevant additional offices that they operate out of (including offices outside of the UK). For client users, these locations populate the Map View of the Companies Index and give an overview of where different suppliers within the supply chain are based.
Management suite - only available to Level A client users (Super users), this is where you can customise your Portfolio, configure Compliance and Performance Feedback, invite new colleagues to join the platform and manage data connections.
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) - an extra step to confirm a users identity when logging into IAND. An MFA code is sent to your email or obtained via an authentication app which you can use for verification. This is a key part of keeping your data secure and reducing risk from lost or stolen credentials.
My actions index - the My actions index shows you all of the actions that have been assigned to you, giving you visibility and control of your actions. You can filter this list to show open or completed actions and you can also filter by type of action (e.g. submitting or approving compliance information, or providing performance feedback on a Project). You can also choose which actions are included in your weekly reminder email.
My profile - accessed via the Homepage or the navigation bar, 'My profile' is your personal user profile where you can update your details including name, email address and password. You can also provide additional information such as your role, a short biography, a picture or a LinkedIn profile URL. From here you can also change your MFA verification method.
Navigation bar - on IAND, the navigation bar at the top of the screen gives quick access to all areas of the platform. Click the icon on the left to return to your Homepage at any time and hover over navigation bar options to see more details.
Not selected - the status of a supplier that has not been selected in the decision process for an Opportunity.
Opportunity - a tendering feature that can be used to run bids, challenges, frameworks and mini-tenders. Supplier users can be invited to bid on individual Opportunities.
Opportunity Index - from the Opportunity Index page client users can create, access and manage all of the Opportunities they are involved with including bids, challenges, frameworks and mini tenders. You can filter the list by 'My Opportunities' to see Opportunities where you are part of the Opportunity Team.
Opportunity messages - direct conversations between a client and a specific supplier on an Opportunity. You can choose who receives each message by adding or removing participants from the message thread. Messages can be managed in the Communications Hub.
Organisation (ESG) - the Organisation ESG IMPACT section on a Company Profile captures a supplier company’s headcount, VCSE status and startup status.
Outstanding supplier invitations - an index for client users of all supplier invitations pending response. Here you can complete actions such as sending invitation reminders, cancelling invitations or inviting new suppliers. Find outstanding supplier invitations by clicking 'Pending invitations' in the drop-down for the 'Companies' navigation bar option.
Pending - the status when a client or supplier user is waiting for a decision to be made (e.g. waiting for a Compliance document to be approved).
Performance Feedback - the 360 degree Performance Feedback that is captured on individual Projects and can be reviewed at Company, Programme and Portfolio level. Client and supplier users on a Project can fill in a Project Feedback form on a monthly or quarterly basis.
Platform status - a supplier's collaboration status on the platform, either Live, Invited or Inactive.
Portfolio - a single instance of the IAND platform that is used for managing a set of suppliers and their Opportunities and Projects (i.e. for a company, a joint venture, a business unit, or a major project). You can be assigned or invited to more than one Portfolio (i.e. multiple business units or frameworks, supplier to more than one client using IAND), and can switch between Portfolios from your Homepage.
Programme - a set of grouped Projects. Each Programme page gives reporting on spend and risks for that group, with functionality to capture notes & risk scores.
Project - a Project that you're working on with your client/supplier. It is designed to give you visibility of key contacts, contracts and deliverables, spend, recent performance and more.
Project Index - the Project Index provides client users with access to all the individual Project contracts with suppliers in a searchable directory. You can filter the list by 'My Projects' to see Projects where you are part of the Project Team, by Project status (active/inactive), by Projects with recent spend and by Project feedback status (whether set up, or on open rounds, whether feedback has been submitted.
Project Page - On the individual Project page you can see the full spend history, and have the option to collaborate with a supplier to capture feedback, manage the contract, deliverables and capture innovation.
Project Team - client users (typically Project Managers) who are directly linked to the Project.
Proposal - bidding information or documentation submitted by a supplier on an Opportunity.
Reject - a formal action to review, reject and notify users on a decision.
Review - a formal decision on submitted information (e.g. Compliance documents). Reviewers can either approve or reject the submission.
Sector - the sector in which a supplier works (e.g. Healthcare). Clients can tailor a standard list for each Portfolio to match sourcing requirements.
Selected - the status of a supplier that has been selected in the decision process for an Opportunity.
Service - the services that suppliers can provide (e.g. Structural Engineering). Clients can tailor a standard list for each Portfolio to match sourcing requirements.
SIC Code - standard industrial classification of economic activities (SIC) that companies register on Companies House.
SME - small and medium-sized enterprises containing less than 250 staff.
Supplier - a Company that a client user is working with.
Team - groups that an individual user can be part of (e.g. an Account team on a supplier's Company Profile, an Opportunity team or a Project team).
Update - further information or documentation uploaded to an Opportunity by a client user, to notify all suppliers invited to that Opportunity.
User - an individual with an account on IAND.